Monday, October 9, 2017


I have several reasons for doing this blog, the main one being a way to collect some of the stories from my mission to share with my nephews, nieces and my kids as they serve missions.  It came to me as a way I could help my sister's boys as they serve without her there to write them every week.  She wrote me regularly--sometimes weekly--and those letters are a treasure now that she is gone.  I want to do something for her now.  

And when I was on a mission, blogs weren't around.  I want to digitize some of my stories and easily print them in a book when I'm done.  I know that my perspective is different now with over 15 years of time and distance between these memories.  But these things I learned stuck with me and changed me.  So this is a different perspective than from my journals and letters--but it is perspective that comes with 15 years of living as an adult and growing my testimony and applying these principals.  

I served in the Cochabamba Bolivia Mission for the LDS church from November 1998 to May of 2000.  Deciding to go was difficult, and conditions at times were difficult, but I look back at it as one of the best decisions I ever made and as 18 months that would shape and change my life forever for the good.  I always loved my dad's mission stories and  I hope that these stories can inspire, uplift and teach my family in a similar way my dad's did for me.

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